Thursday, January 26, 2012

RIP Merlin

And yet we now loose Nicol Williamson. The Hovel is indeed of a 'Heavy Heart.'

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Warren Ellis @ the Cognitive Cities Confrence

As most of you know, Warren Ellis is probably my favorite contemporary writer.I have warn you before that he is very capable of using any of your senses as a portal into your subconsciousness and like the beast of Star Trek 2, wrap himself around your cerebral cortex. Never not be afraid of him but always listen to him. He sees into the near future better than most anyone out there and can paint a pretty amazing picture. I know that most of you will not make it to the end of his keynote which took place last year, but if you do; I truly hope your eyes and your mind will be open. He isn't easy to observe and I sometimes think that is probably his major appeal. He can be vulgar, contumelious and downright pagan. While I hold no single personal belief as pertains to spiritual matters with him; I do respect his very often, so correct observations on life and time and tomorrow and things right in front of us all. The 'ghost box' has been a theme in several of his current writings. He is by no means everyone's cup of tea, but I like his thinking on certain aspects of life taking place in the run up to the 'anti-Christ'. Be warned, it is Warren Ellis. He isn't a special effects monster; he can be worst.

Warren Ellis at Cognitive Cities Conference from Cognitive Cities on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why would I need 4 layers of coats?


Delivered last night and read to group by Jan.

Hello Everyone,

As always, it is just wonderful to be here with all of you.

I have finished moving and must let you all know that I love my new place. it is much newer, much smaller and a whole lot better for me. The views from here can be extraordinary at times and when the weather is in form; it is downright weather channel picture post card beautiful.

I wish to thank everyone who have shared with me their feelings, thoughts and observations on the web site. I am also thankful for the kind words passed my way regarding the results of my efforts on maintaining it. It is a pleasure and I am more than happy to do it. I run into a bump here and a dip there but I hope it is getting better. Hopefully with the coming of the new year, I will be putting yet more time and effort into it.

On a personal note, I must be honest with everyone. I continue to have pain in the evenings. Sleep is hard to obtain and maintaining it is a joke. I am up MOST, not every, night and it is becoming an irritant. I hurt, but this is in addition too the cancer pain I deal with. I hurt from my toes to my head. It is similar to the extreme joint pain one gets with a bad case of the flu; but it's not the flu. I think it is the price one pays for not being 19 years old. I long for a world where Ponce de Leon had found that darn fountain. Oh well, I 'endeavor to persevere.'

Other than some pain, I am so blessed and better that others in this world.

Now for the good personal news. I will not be with you all next month at the meeting. I will be across the river from Minneapolis/St. Paul in the little town of Hudson Wisconsin. For the first time since 2003 I am going out of town somewhere that isn't a Hospital. Now, not being the brightest color in the crayon box, I am going in February. It just worked out and I will be with my oldest daughter and 4 grand kids there. The youngest, my grand son, I have yet to meet. To say I am excited is an understatement. I will be flying up on February 3rd, spending my birthday with them and come back home on the 8th.

I ask that you all say a prayer for me at this time. The boys are going to check in on mom. It's only for six days, but in my life; that's a long time to be away from her.

Well, that's pretty much the only gossip I have to share with everyone and I just hope you had a really Happy Holidays.

Enjoy each other, make every effort in the world to be kind and stay safe.

Be strong , because cancer sucks.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Have a wonderful and blessed 2012.


Time continues to just rumble on. Things I took as rock solid and ever lasting in my youth have passed to dust in the rear view mirror of today. There was a time when I did not take to heart things which would be so profound to me as I aged.I shall never believe that I will ever have possessed the wisdom of Solomon; I just hope to learn a thing or two as I pass by.

For all my possessions I an certain I own nothing. I try to balance all things in my life now as nothing is so important as ones health. I wish I could plead ignorance but I can not. I am what I have done to myself. Learn from me and this year, please be good to yourself. You will not live forever, but you can live a while longer.




In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.
                                                                   Job 1:22