Sunday, May 31, 2009

Best Rube Goldberg Ever

I often wonder where I measure up on the ‘life experience’ scale? I watch these and I am just amazed and enthralled. I just don’t know why…..(?)




Best Rube Goldberg Ever - Watch more Funny Videos

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

a look at pre War Japan..

an amazing look at  Japan and some vintage shots of Tokyo. From 1932 we have ‘Japan in Cherry Blossom Time’.

So much of what is right and beautiful about man has been obscured by his arrogant stupidity. What ‘we’ could have been without evil in the world, is beyond my wildest dreams.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sebastian’s Voodoo

Sometimes I am totally taken aback by the shear abundance of talent and the scope of the imagination that abides in the world. This horrific view is both a nightmarish tale and at the same time a beautiful look at what puts humanity above all things.  My be challenging, but I think an end worth the trip. It seems fitting today as a memorial to all who struggle, either for our country or in some unknown world of oppression. Happy Memorial Day and be remindful and thankful!




Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Grandson's 2nd Birthday Party

Today we celebrated my Grandson's Birthday; and of course we had a blast. As always, Grandpa and Great Grandma we one of the first to arrive.

"I love you guys this much!"

Here are the two Great Grandma's:

Here is a shot of my oldest son William, he was having a good time:

Jumping Castles are fun, especially with Grandma taking my picture:

Good Lord; me taking a picture of her, taking a picture of me; oh gadzs!

As always, he rakes in the presents and has a great cake:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

as the sun comes up

just a few shots playing around while drinking coffee and waiting for the day to come.







my morning company:

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look up:



one last play with light:


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Quote for the day!

’Everything is becoming science fiction. From the margins of an almost invisible literature has sprung the intact reality of the 20th century.’

J G Ballard

Sunday, May 17, 2009

a beautiful Sunday morning in….

….the Old Pueblo.

Neither of use can do much and we seldom stay out long, but some days are just to beautiful to waste and it’s good to get mom out of the house.


First stop was the Bristol Coffee Bus just around the corner from my house:

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Next, we came upon some trains down at the yard:




What would a Sunday drive be without a jaunt through colorful South Tucson.




Ok, next we decide to be brave and head up Sentinel Peak, known locally as ‘A’ Mountain:


and here’s Grandma:




Next stop was the old train depot and downtown:





Hope you enjoyed our little tour and Grandma says “Bye Everyone”


Saturday, May 16, 2009

the bread eaters

an email i sent to my support group

Hello everyone,

I trust all are doing well, however the truth is, we as a body are not. Hardship and pain and questions of why(?); are rampant within the support group both known to us and not, world wide. It hangs over us as a nation and as occupants of this planet we call earth. Make no doubt, cancer and medical affliction both old and new, as a whole, run rampant. Add to this, an increase in mans inhumanity to his fellow man (which personally I call EVIL); well, it just sometimes means the decisions we have to make, seem of little importance. Why do we have to choose? Why do we suffer? Why do we have to...? All questions asked by man from the advent of the 'first' sin to this very second as you read this.

Throughout history, man has asked...why do I suffer God? Why do I have to decide? One need to look no further than the book of Job within the Holy Bible to see an individuals struggle with these and other questions and the suffering that resulted from decisions made. Another example found in antiquity, this time by a group forced to make a decision is provided by Yosef Ben Matityahu (Joseph, son of Matthias) and, after he became a Roman citizen, as Titus Flavius Josephus, a first-century Jewish historian and apologist; who related the saga of Masada. I choose these examples with care as they are based in mans relationship with God and the bitter results from decisions which had to be made. Please do not try and make any connection to a “cult”, as none is inferred by me. My intent is to address decisions forced on us which are a result of malady and infirmity and our possible interaction between ourself and our 'higher power' which is a sad, sad Politically Correct euphemism for God.

If you would indulge me a moment I would like to share yet another story of decision and the price paid. One part history and one part Legend!

No one knows the time of appearance by the Pascagoula in what is now the southeastern portion of present day Mississippi. The name Pascagoula is a Mobilian Jargon term meaning "bread people". Choctaw native Americans using the name Pascagoula are named after the words for "bread nation". The Biloxi called them Pascoboula. As no vocabulary of their language has been preserved, nor their own tribal name, their ethnic relations are conjectural; but from their intimate connection from 1699 to the 19th century with the Biloxi, it is possible that they were Siouan. By accounts they were a very peaceful people.

The Pascagoula people were first encountered by Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville in 1699. By 1822 the tribe had moved north on the river away from the coast and their population had diminished to around 75 in total with 20 being 'braves'. Soon thereafter, they were lost to history probably hastened along the way by European diseases. As a matter of historical record, their final demise as a 'people' is unknown and somewhat a mystery.

And now; the legend:

The Pascagoula were know to be a peaceful, innocent and by accounts a very beautiful people who lived on one bank of the river. On the other bank lived the warlike Biloxi. The Biloxi considered themselves the 'first' peoples and were the natural enemy of the Pascagoula. It happened that the chief of the Pascagoula by the name of Altama was heart smitten by a princess of the Biloxi named Anola.

Anola was promised to a chieftain of her own tribe, but fled with Altama and his people. Now of course, this upset and hardened the heart of the Biloxi chief and he soon stirred his warriors to war against the Pascagoula people. The Pascagoula of course were drawn to their young chief and his bride as both were kind and popular. The tribe swore that the couple and their tribe would survive or go to their deaths with the couple. Upon arrival of the Biloxi, it was clear that the Pascagoula were out numbered and had no training nor inclination for war. It was fight to the death or submit to be a slave to the Biloxi tribe.

The tribe decided that enslavement was not an option so, with women and children in the lead, all holding hands as a people, they simply walked into the river and drowned. The people all sang as they walked into the dark waters and perished from the earth as a tribe.

To this day, people have said that they have experience a hearing of a strange and engaging death song like sound on the banks of what is now known as the “Singing” or Pascagoula River.

Why do I recount this little tale from early Native American history? It is simply another instance of when we as humans face something that just is not what we want to or are willing to endure. Now; religious ramification aside as pertains to Felo de se. Sometimes we just have to take charge of our condition, our quality of life and our medical well being. I have always as a matter of my own self, involved my family and loved ones in such instances. Involvement does not equate into indulgence or an absence of auscultation of my own decisions. It boils down to me in the end. No matter what that decision is. As I feel it does with all of us. No matter how ugly, how selfish or infuriating that decision is to others. Everyone who loves you wants you to say yes or OK I will. However, sometimes it is just to much to endure, to much to withstand.

It is between you and your God. No me, not you uncle, not your support group nor society. It is your pain, your fear, your body and your quality of life. After consultation with your doctors, after speaking with family, after advice and perspective of your support group; after preying to your God. Decide. Listen to your inner self. Your gut. It is you that has to have a reason to get out of bed each and every day you have and live that day as best you can. Find a reason. Do not be lost to history.

I love you all.

Be strong because Cancer sucks.

Friday, May 15, 2009

file under “Q department”

for all of you James Bond fans, looks like reality is catching up very quickly. as any Q fan knows, necessity is the mother of all invention. check out the falcon.


an undersea plane. just amazing and it boggles the mind as to possible application both military and scientific.

in a strange mood for ….

a not so serious movie. I am in the mood to be away from my world and i choose this one to be my reality for now.

Get pass the commercial for a wonderful look at:



"Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus"




god, i love this stuff. sorry, my inner small man child just reared it’s uber cool head this morning.

First Celebrity Swine Flu Fatality

And we all know who the carrier is.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sometimes the world is a strange place,

and this morning we go to “The deep-sea volcano, called NW Rota-1, was first observed erupting in 2004.”

I'm not sure if even Capt.. Nemo could have envisioned that the real undersea world would be more interesting that a literary one.

The very odd shrimp appear at the end of the video and provide an interesting component for an undersea adventure/horror story. Hummm, I need to get busy.

Monday, May 11, 2009

an now Sam Van Olffen

image image

There are tons of interesting talented people in the world I love introducing you all too. Today, we dip back into the world of steampunk and Graphiques. Enjoy, and I hope this stirs an interest for you.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother’s Day

I hope you have a good day mom. I know that your world is a very strange and scary place. I try as best I can to help hold you up and make it as safe, secure , warm and loving as I can. Please forgive the times I loose my patients with you, because sometimes I am sore and tired. You have provided some wonderful moments in life for me and I will try and make your days as fulfilling as I can.

Your life has been an amazingly humble journey. I know. I just wish that I had the ability to take away the black void you live in and make the sunshine of happiness beam down upon your beautiful spirit. Here, in the end, I do the best I can.

Thank you so much for all you have meant to me, all you have provided me and all the encouragement you have passed my way. You mean the world to me and I will always love you.

You will be with Dad soon. While this will be a sad event for me, I will be so happy for you as finally you will be home with dad and in his embrace. He is waiting and I have every bit of faith that he will have his arms wide open for you and hold you for eternity.

You are surly the strongest person I have ever encountered.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

if i could draw….

I so love ‘pulp’ in all of it’s facets. I think it is as of a result of being an avid reader of doc Savage books as a kid. Thank you so much Lester. If I had any artistic talent, I truly believe I would be drawing this sort of picture and let my imagination flow. There are some wonderfully talented people out there. Here are some examples of the ‘mad scientists’ album. To really blow a few hours, go to the full Ebenezer 's Public Gallery. Enjoy, and always remember that true beauty is in the eye of the beholder.




Yes I know, but I so love to infuriate you fema-nazi’s out there.