Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
88 years ago today
I would suspect most everyone thinks their mother is the most special woman in the world. At least I hope you could think that. I do.
I have wrestled for several days on how to say something special about my mother. I have started and trashed several attempts as none have made me happy or satisfied. I almost, note: almost; wish that I didn't have to say something, but I am compelled too in the end.
There are so many memories I could share, so many lessons imparted that I could pass along. I could recount stories of what a special woman my mother is. Of sacrifices made by her for myself, my family and anyone who was blessed by her presence in their lives. She was a woman who gives to this world, not one which takes.
She spends her days now in a world without memories for her. Most of the time I have to remind her who I am. This is the second time I have had to endure this painful aspect of life. She isn't in pain. She is content near as I can tell. She just does not remember. Each visit is an exercise of re-acquaintance.
For all you have done for me, thank you mom. I love you very much and I pale when I think of your strength. You were a wonderful wife to my dad, a wonderful mother to me and a damn blessing to all who every knew you. Thank you God for allowing her to bring me into this world, she has been a special gift.
Happy Birthday Mother.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
In all this, Job charged God not foolishly.
I set here, alone with my thoughts and my memories. Sometimes those thoughts and memories are somewhat warm, kind and amusing. Sometimes they are not. Some tend to be cold, blunt and sting with a venom.
Life is not always a triumph of good over evil. As noted by all those who have come before me; it isn't at all fair nor equitable. I try with every fiber of strength I have to keep the faith and strive to be positive, upright and without flaw. I prey that God will place his hand around me and steady my path.
Just a few days ago my oldest son told me he could not remember the sound of my voice. I cried.
What has happened to me is by my own arrogance. I knew better, but I choose to ignore my own best interest in an indulgence for nothing. I sometimes wish I had someone or something to blame.
But, that would be easy I guess.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
pale blue dot
when i saw carl, it was a special night. his voice is just as it sounds and is still in my ears to this day.
Friday, December 19, 2008
killer bees
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
December 15, 1966
TO: All Employees
FROM: Roy Disney
The death of Walt Disney is a loss to all the people of the world. In everything he did Walt had an intuitive way of reaching out and touching the hearts and minds of young and old alike. His entertainment was an international language. For more than forty years people have looked to Walt Disney for the finest quality in family entertainment.
There is no way to replace Walt Disney. He was an extraordinary man. Perhaps there will never be another like him. I know that we who worked at his side for all these years will always cherish the years and the minutes we spent in helping Walt Disney entertain the people of the world. The world will always be a better place because Walt Disney was its master showman.
As President and Chairman of the Board of Walt Disney Productions, I want to assure the public, our stockholders and each of our more than four thousand employees that we will continue to operate Walt Disney's company in the way that he has established and guided it. Walt Disney spent his entire life and almost every waking hour in the creative planning of motion pictures, Disneyland, television shows and all the other diversified activities that have carried his name through the years. Around him Walt Disney gathered the kind of creative people who understood his way of communicating with the public through entertainment. Walt's ways were always unique and he built a unique organization. A team of creative people that he was justifiably proud of.
I think Walt would have wanted me to repeat his words to describe the organization he built over the years. Last October when he accepted the “Showman of the World” award in New York, Walt said, “The Disney organization now has more than four thousand employees. Many have been with us for over thirty years. They take great pride in the organization which they helped to build. Only through talent, labor and dedication of this staff could any Disney project get off the ground. We all think alike in the ultimate pattern.”
Much of Walt Disney's energies had been directed to preparing for this day. It was Walt's wish that when the time came he would have built an organization with the creative talents to carry on as he had established and directed it through the years. Today this organization has been built and we will carry out this wish.
Walt Disney preparation for the future has a solid, creative foundation. All of the plans for the future that Walt had begun -- new motion pictures, the expansion of Disneyland, television production and our Florida and Mineral King projects -- will continue to move ahead. That is the way Walt wanted it to be.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
i try not to preach....
Cancer Will Soon Become World’s No. 1 Killer, With Developing Nations Hit Hardest
Thursday, December 11, 2008
finally an update
I know it has been awhile since last I was able to write all of you. I have been at my sons house and he has no internet. Back home now, so herein lies the reason you are currently reading this e-mail.
Where to begin:
The operation ( s ) back in October were in a word- interesting. Almost nothing Dr. Hinni was expecting came to be. Typical of me I believe. The cancer was pretty extensive and had in fact gone into my larynx. Prompting a real 'HOUSE' moment right out of TV. In mid operation I was awaken to sign a consent to allow for the taking of my voice box in total. This was the one consideration we had not signed off on. That was fun.
The long and short is it took two days of operations for him to decide he had 'gotten it all'. Now, I have heard this before!!!!!!! Ok, I will have a good attitude. Sorry about that. I also had a really neat tube in my nose. That was amazingly not fun. I also have a hole in my throat that has truly been fun to deal with. Mayo (read as insurance) let me stay at Mayo for one week. Came home and 48 hours later I was in the hospital for a few weeks. 3 times total during Oct. Same old feeding issues. Throwing up and not being able to get food to stay down. Couple weeks later and a side trip to Valley Health Care, I made it to my sons.
I just get able to feed and have some strength and it's off to see Dr. Hinni for a follow up.
Ok, he thinks all the cancer is gone. I do finally pass a swallow test and can now eat liquids. (yum) I can learn to talk with therapy etc. etc., hay, all is good, you just have to keep fighting. Oh, btw, you have an appointment to see Dr. win another round of radiation.
F/U with Dr. Strat shoved in, all is good and here is your speech therapy person. I really like her and she seems very competent. I like her. Sidebar: I can say a few things but hard to understand. It just takes practice and time and effort and and and. Cancer sucks people.
Got to Dr. Manning. Hi Steve, you have an 80% chance of recurrence. Dr. Hinni, Dr. Strat and I are all concerned. You not only need the radiation but also you will be getting chemotherapy as well. Damn, I am scared to which Dr. Manning gave me a hug and said he was also. I love that man.
Whet in today, got fitted for that damn mask. It was hard. When I got out, there was Jan, to give me a hug. Thank you Jan.
Please prey for me as this is going to be hard; again. This time with Chemo so I know I will be sick (er); maybe than last time. I am not afraid to tell you that I am scared.
Well, that’s the nickel tour of the last two months. The ugly has been deleted as I know each and everyone of you have stories worst than mine. Just know that I am trying to keep the faith and make you all proud. It is hard but I keep digging and maybe someday, I will be able to move on and just be able to feel good.
I love you all, be strong and I will try to keep you all updated. I know that as I get sick I tend to not e-mail all of you. I will do the best I can and I will also try and send word through Jan if she does not mind.
I miss you all and have each of you in my heart.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
the passing of David Foster Wallace
please take a few minutes to read this and if you have 30 minutes for a pure joyful ride into everyday non reality, watch the vid. it is long but you may enjoy. the back end reading about his experiences on a cruise ship are so delightfully true that i was in tears. my experience was that if you went to the 'head' {read as toilet} at night; upon return, your bed was remade.
Friday, October 3, 2008
as to Annie Taylor and all who followed her
As my dad was often know to do, we would set out on weekend trips to many interesting places where ever we lived; the subject of this particular trip being Niagara Falls. I remember being amazed at the sheer overwhelming volume of power as nature is set to amazing at that location. The falls, (all of them) are simply breath taking. During our visit, we stumbled onto an exhibit or as they would put above the door ~ a museum to the brave. The dare devil brave. There I learned of brave souls as Annie Taylor, Bobby Leach, "Smiling Jean" Lussier and many, many more.
I have to tell you all that I finished up with all the poking, prodding and other such stuff that they do to each of us. My personal favorite being the small (yeah, small my hind end) needle biopsies taken from my nodes. That, as you all know, is a pain in the neck. I got to meet my new doctor who will be setting off the atomic bomb in my neck next week. I know I sometimes say things about those who have taken the oath. Sometimes my statements are maybe colorful and cavalier. Let me be honest with you all that I have an amazing medical team and I have nothing but the most respect and yes love for all of them. They have or will have saved my life and given the most precious of all gifts, more time. OK, I am sure that I will return to my tongue in cheek self now.
Here is the nickel tour of my upcoming trip to surgery ‘la la’ land. Major hacking and slashing of the ugly black stuff on both sides on my throat, in the nodes will be done. Dr. Henni will use skin from my chest as the healing skin on the outside. There are concerns for my carotid artery as the cancer is indeed wrapping itself around that. On the other side, there is a name that I do not know of a nerve that runs to my voice box. If there is damage here, I can loose about 50 % of my voice. There is also a concern of damage resulting in ulceration into my throat, because of location. There is a minor stroke risk. Getting a feeding tube back in. There will be a general prodding, poking, moving, folding, stapling and mutating of darn near everything in my throat. Plus some other goodies and surprises I’m sure. Oh, the amount of zapping, that’s non medical talk for radiation applied directly will be about 1 ½ to 2 times the amount I had last year. Done, all at once! I have been warned that upon waking up, I will be hurting.
Now, for the really fun news. I get to come back to Tucson, see Doctor Manning and my favorite oncology nurse in the entire world for yet another month of what? You ask. Spot radiation with my face in that demandable mask bolted to that demandable table of ‘Frankenstein’ like pain. OK, I said I would be - tongue in cheek! Plus/bonus score/super wait, ‘do not order yet’ type of excitement and happy, happy / joy, joy type of warm fuzzy. There may be chemotherapy as well…… this is to be determined and pending a coming to minds between Dr. Manning and my new nuclear physicist; OKKKKKKKK radiation oncologist.
I will be at the meeting Tuesday to see all of you, but I will need to leave early as I am sure I will be requested to arrive at Medical Disneyland Scottsdale at Zero dark :30. I plan on taking my laptop up with me so I will e-mail you all as soon as I can. Heir rock star Dokotr House, oh sorry, Dr. Henni (God love and bless him) says this time the insurance is playing good so I should be in Mayo for at least a week with hoses the size coffee cans, ok an embellishment,,, medical tubes out both sides of my neck.
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
Now, that is enough of that. What’s this have to do with Niagara Falls you ask (?). Well, Dr. Callister gave me the following answer to some of my questions about what was going on with me. “Steve, you’re in bad shape, but your ship hasn’t gone over the falls yet.” I flashed back to that exhibit about the dare devils that rode over the falls, as a young boy and tried to figure out what was on their minds. I now know what is in my mind.
I love you all and remember to be strong.
Universal Studios Monsters
Saturday, September 6, 2008
happy birthday
By definition, wasted time is a ....
I sometimes wonder, like every man and woman from the beginning of time, what is going on here?
I really thought I had a handle on life. Had a grip or maybe had a clue. I have always been both confident and purposeful. Sometimes, it was to my own detriment.
Let me be honest with you all; I have never had a handle on anything other than my own lacking. About the only thing I have truly ever gripped was my own anger. I have been close to a clue several times, but somehow managed to do nothing but take my eyes off what truth was and let it slip through my fingers. Yes, I suppose I have accomplished some things. I just have to question there value. Why the self deprivation? It's what I do!
I can't even endure my cancer correctly.
As I have felt inside. The latest and greatest revels, that the blackness has wrapped itself around and maybe into my Carotid Arteries. It is still there and continues to attack. Despite the medical opinion of others, the pictures tell the truth. Upon a question and answer period with my doctor, this is a concern for several reasons. He feels that the risk of stroke almost prevents the option for an operation. This risk was discussed with an eye towards the Stanford University option. The end result here is not a romantic novel climax by the ugliest of imaginations. I will spare you all the visual.
I go to yet a new doctor. He isn't really; I have seen him before. This time, I see him to set up chemotherapy; this Tuesday afternoon. I will pass along the nuts and bolts of this next week after I know what the plan is and the cocktail of choice will be.
I am OK really. I still see the truth of how fortunate I truly am. I have had and continue to have a blessed life. I have 4 really neat and wonderful children. I have 5 amazing grand children. I have, in my mother, the strongest woman I have had the privilege of ever knowing. (Good news with mom, her doctor found a vitamin B deficiency; using a new test. She will be getting shots and it may ((MAY)) help with her memory issues.) For those who may not know, she lives with me and I am her care taker. I have some close personal friends.. a few. AND, I have all of you wonderful people. You are more than friend and more than family. You are; and I love each of you for being!
What is this all about? When I woke up this morning I realized that I still do not know the answers. But, I do know that it is in our time, well spent. It is doing things which bring fulfilling enjoyment. It is a service to a cause higher than our own silly little problems. It is in the doing. The world and those of us in it are in need. See what you can do. Reach out in your own small part of it and do. I say this not to preach but to simply pass on what very small little bit of truth I have learned. Anything, anything one can do to help someone else makes the entire world quake with joy. It causes an eruption of goodness that will, someday, be salvation for us all. There is a dark, mean, ugly, harmful cancer on humanity. Be there for each other. Be a light. A kind word can be more powerful than an army of ill will. Do it now.
You see, one never knows what tomorrow brings. Something wicked this way comes.
By definition, wasted time is a .... a sin.
Be strong.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
a first time visit to false positive land!
First, let me say I am overjoyed to be here and I love each and everyone of you. My prayers and hopes for each of us are to be well.
53 years ago yesterday, Walt Disney opened the front gate at Disneyland with the wonderful words….”To all who come to this happy place; Welcome!”
Unlike Disneyland, I have ventured into an upside-down roller coaster ride that is new to me and well, just not at all to my liking. I had heard the term of course and I had listened as several of you had mentioned it in meetings or in conservation. There is nothing nice about it and nothing that makes me at ease with it. Some good news; I am cancer free!
The debate is still on going within my mind as to how to feel about what the last several weeks have been to me. That is a matter for me and me alone in the end to make peace with any demons I may have about this little side trip to a very uncomfortable little amusement park know as a false positive. Damn, do the surprises, no matter how known intellectually, ever stop!(?)
After another MRI done in the underground vault (which I have now re-labeled as the bat cave) know as Mayo Clinic Scottsdale Campus; and a much better show and tell period with Dr. Hinni (read as last weeks visit being a bad hair day for us both)…..I am healing. Thank God. Healing hurts, healing does do strange things to ones body, healing is a lot of uncomfortable processes through time. BUT; I am healing.
Turns out that some of what showed as ‘Hot” (love that technical medical lingo) spots on the Tucson version of an MRI/ PETScan where in fact, areas in my throat and on my tongue which had been poked; prodded; folded; stapled and or mutilated by Dr. Hinni and his staff during there 4 hour pleasure cruise inside my body last November. He claimed it all as per his notes and best recollection of said stated procedure. Bottom line…..Steve, relax, your OK and doing remarkable. Per him….an amazing heal. I did have to come clean with him as to the source of my weight gain to which he said.. ”I do not care, just keep doing what your doing”. Yes, a new source of health foods- the ice cream sandwich; I see marketing potential here.
I have learned a lesson my friends, well several but two which are germane to this visit to false positive land; and they are:
1- Take each new revelation as it comes.
2- Never give up on the ability to be amazed at what the body can and does do.
I am very, very happy this morning. I am also wiser (I hope) when it comes to what each new event MAY or MAY NOT mean and hopefully better able to react to it in a dignified manner which makes us all proud. I can not thank you enough for the prayers, the support and the words of wisdom and experience each of you share with me.
BY THE WAY, skip any desire of ever going to false positive land. The place is dingy and the rides are dank and dreary. Go to Disneyland or to a national park and camp or to the beach or where every your desires dictate. I would recommend into the arms of family and friends. Yes, Cancer Sucks…False Positive Land blows chunks.
I am glad to be here people, I will beat this damn thing and I will remain. God’s good fortune on each of you.
Be strong and be there for each other.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Russian Space Army
The band is called Kozaks of Metallishtan and listen to them and there message at your own risk!
enjoy the video:
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
....she's just not ready to let us go....
There are about a million tales I would rather relate with you all, than this. However, as all of you have become my friends and loved ones, I must yet again share with you; the news.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
honest words
- Jason Thompson,explaining what he's learned from manga
Sunday, June 15, 2008
happy father's day...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
mom on mt. lemon
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
strike the pose...
Monday, June 9, 2008
on pikes peak in colorado

Sunday, June 8, 2008
mom and her friend bobbie
i started a set yesterday of early pictures which i have obtained from mom's friend bobbie. i really do thank her for the use of them. this is a shot of the two of them dated 1957. it is amazing for me to look back that far into time. i would be two at the time this was taken.
(for some reason, i am unable to get this picture to resize properly when you click on it. i do apologize)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
three men on the mountain

finally! maybe our jet-packs are coming?
Levitating train from L.A. to Las Vegas gets boost
Friday June 6, 6:00 pm ET
Bush signs law freeing dollars for levitating train from Disneyland to Las Vegas
Thursday, June 5, 2008
yet again i wait
I did indeed have my follow up with Dr. Stratigouleas this morning. The MRI did show a slight swelling in my lymph nodes on the right side, again. This may or may not be a serious concern. Just tells them that something is going on. It may in fact be healing as I am hoping and preying for. However, Strat has decided to yet again take on the evil empire know as United Health Care and fight to get me a PET scan next week, or ASAP. That way, he will know for sure.
So, yet again I wait. I do feel better after seeing him as the indications from the MRI were more positive than I was prepared for. That's a good thing.
I do thank each of you for your concern and support. I will of course let you all know what happens after the scan. Please keep your fingers crossed.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
it seems like the fight is getting harder
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
it is starting to get warm here
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
they never meet a dance floor ...
Monday, May 26, 2008
mom comes home from the care facility today.
what a horrible facility. care facility; what an oxy-moron. note to self, write something someday about care facilities!
today at 10:00 am i will pick up mom and bring her home. she is so excited to get home and see her cat. she will have to rely on her walker but she should manage just fine. to celebrate this occurrence, i kicked the dust off the 'way-back' machine, fired it up and took mom back to her 20's.
memorial day
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
hayden's first birthday party
here we are getting ready to have cake.
and, here we are having cake.
some friends like my cool cousins came to my party....
oh, there were alot of grownups as well..
i got some really neat stuff....
oh; did i mention that i had cake?
mom cleaned me up....
then we packed up and we all went home.
everyone had a good time!
Friday, May 23, 2008
jenna goes to new york
my friend jenna is in new york this week for some well deserved r&r. it has rained most every day, but she has been a trooper and did the joe-ette tourist in the big city thing. here are a few pictures from her cell phone that she has sent me. more to come later i am sure.
i want an ice cream bar!
freakangels #14

freakangels #14, is up this morning (every friday).
there is an archival located there if you need to catch up.
this is the weekly web comic by warren ellis and paul duffield.
even in absentia, warren brings yet more angst into the fray. now enters jack and sirkka and dungeons.(?)! will the madness end? damn, i hope not.
mr. duffield performs yet another masterful job with his art. the clouds throughout are just so realistic that i can smell the rain. applause for full panel page 4, however, i personally bow down to the steam from jack's boat (bottom panels) on pages 5 and 6. simply remarkable. thanks paul.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
she finally dropped by for a visit
can you believe it? she finally stopped by the house to see me. what does she want to do? oh, come on, do you really think she wanted to just see me which i know she did. no, it was straight to the PS3! it was good to see her however.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
at the gates of graceland
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
a look at small town mendenhall where..
my mom and dad grew up. i wish i could claim these pictures but they are not mine. i found them on the web.
this is a really good look at the court house at the top of main street in mendenhall. this is where both my parents grew up. my dad told me of seeing a public hanging in the court yard at the back of this building as a child. that was a different time.
this is an old gas station,which was on the road coming into town. at one point in time it was owned and operated by family friends and we always bought gas here. i remember as a small kid, i have gone through that door to look at the candy available. it was amazing, for a quarter, i could get a bag full of penny candy and there was an old fashion 'top slide' coke machine there for an additional dime.
just some random memories this morning. i wish i could find a picture of sullivan's fruit stand to share.
Monday, May 19, 2008
thinking about who my grandkids will think i really was
note to my grandchildren: guys; there is/was more to me than my cancer. i am living a full life in many ways and i am enjoying it. i have seen many wonderful changes in life. i have travelled a great deal. i have lived through some of the most extraordinary times mankind has had on this planet.
i have been using computers and been on the internet since oh lets see; 300 baud modems. i have gone scuba diving off the arc at the end of baha and i saw the underwater sand slides there. hell, i saw elvis and the beatles. i have been from one end of this wonderful land to the other.
now that i think about it...i have seen the birth of all of you.
i have lived and at moments loved, just not very successfully.
i have had hero's and i have cried. just like you have or will; i have made mistakes.
please do me one favor; for your old grandpa. don't think of me as that old guy with cancer. think of me as that somewhat strange old man who accepted what life gives and made it as best he could with as much dignity and humor as he could manage. to each of you...follow your dreams, they are what make YOU who you really are.

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Laura Ray Memorial Golf Tournament
After meeting up and getting doors unlocked, we started putting up raffle prizes and getting stuff ready.
After getting our assignments it was off to greet the golfers and sell tickets for various things such as mulligans and fund raising activities.
Then the golfers were sent on their way.
During the tournament i was assisting PJ who was the official picture taker for the event. I was very happy with this assignment and spent the day (as time allowed) taking shop (read as taking pictures) with him. The setting and the day was simply stunning.
PJ gave me some really good tips and I was able to capture this ball just as it was struck.
The event ran until about 12:30 and I was very tired and ready to get in some shade. We packed up and headed back to the club house for lunch, prize give aways and saying good bye's.
It was a wonderful day Laura. Rest Well.